This is an ever-evolving art collection that consists of three projects: 1) WITHIN; 2) LOST in TRANSITION; and 3) WHO WOULD YOU BE OUTSIDE of YOUR COLONIZED MIND? The WITHIN series consists of eight digital media pieces that were released with the highly insightful book My Black is Exhausted. Forever in Pursuit of a Racist-free World Where Hashtags Don’t Exist (Hotchkins, 2021).

The subsequent series, LOST in TRANSITION, includes 10 new digital media pieces that are included in his ALL HUMAN RIGHTS RESERVED™ tour throughout 2024-25. The tour creates pathways of healing for those who view themselves as on the margins of society. Each interactive lecture blurs identity, cultural body autonomy, and racial lines by having attendees draw prompt-based art. Illustrations and narratives shared explain attendee points of view.

This up to 2-hour educational art workshop is epiphany-centered and leads to breakthrough moments within a safe learning environment. WHO WOULD YOU BE OUTSIDE of YOUR COLONIZED MIND? is an on-going collage of paintings, currently five, that offers varied visual answers to the series namesake question. How Black optimism looks when uninhibited is explored. This is Dr. Hotchkins first foray into Afrofuturism.